Automate your workflow, eliminate inefficiencies, and ship faster than ever.
Stop waiting weeks for Figma variable updates to reach code. With Supernova’s pipeline automations, your team can quickly implement design token and asset changes without disrupting development—keeping your workflow smooth and efficient.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64:root { /* For text and icons. */ --colorForegroundNeutral: #141717; /* For text and icons. */ --colorForegroundNeutralFaded: #606981; --colorForegroundPrimary: #104fc6; --colorForegroundCritical: #cb101d; --colorForegroundPositive: #05751f; --colorForegroundUpgrade: #874ce6; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --colorForegroundDisabled: #c7cdd0; --colorForegroundPlaceholder: #7f8604; /* Use together with Overlay elevation. It will then ensure it works also in dark mode properly. */ --colorBackgroundElevationOverlay: #ffffff; --colorBackgroundNeutral: #182d60a; --colorBackgroundNeutralHighlighted: #182d6614; --colorBackgroundNeutralFaded: #141a2b05; --colorBackgroundPrimary: #104fc6; /* For hover and active states */ --colorBackgroundPrimaryHighlighted: #004ee1; --colorBackgroundPrimaryFaded: #c4f5ff; --colorBackgroundCritical: #e22c25; --colorBackgroundCriticalHighlighted: #cb101d; --colorBackgroundCriticalFaded: #fef1f2; --colorBackgroundPositive: #11b850; --colorBackgroundPositiveHighlighted: #05751f; --colorBackgroundPositiveFaded: #ebfef6; --colorBackgroundUpgrade: #874ce6; --colorBackgroundUpgradeHighlighted: #6a2bbf; --colorBackgroundUpgradeFaded: #f5f2fd; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --colorBackgroundDisabled: #182d660a; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --colorBackgroundDisabledFaded: #141a2b05; /* Use only for body background. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --colorBackgroundPage: #ffffff; /* Use only for background of the main page sections. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --colorBackgroundPageFaded: #fafafa; /* Used for highlighted text in inputs. */ --colorBackgroundFocusTextHighlight: #d0e2ff; --colorBorderNeutralFaded: #ececef3; --colorBorderPrimary: #191a24; --colorBorderCritical: #cb101d; --colorBorderCriticalFaded: #fbd5d8; --colorBorderPositive: #05751f; --colorBorderPositiveFaded: #cbdcd5; --colorBorderUpgrade: #6a2bbf; --colorBorderUpgradeFaded: #e23d0fa; /* Not overriden by a theme. */ --colorPersistentWhite: #ffffff; --colorColorSubBlack: #040a1e; --colorColorSubBlue: #6f67e; --colorColorTeal: #00ffc2; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64:root { /* For text and icons. */ --colorForegroundNeutral: #141717; /* For text and icons. */ --colorForegroundNeutralFaded: #606981; --colorForegroundPrimary: #104fc6; --colorForegroundCritical: #cb101d; --colorForegroundPositive: #05751f; --colorForegroundUpgrade: #874ce6; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --colorForegroundDisabled: #c7cdd0; --colorForegroundPlaceholder: #7f8604; /* Use together with Overlay elevation. It will then ensure it works also in dark mode properly. */ --colorBackgroundElevationOverlay: #ffffff; --colorBackgroundNeutral: #182d60a; --colorBackgroundNeutralHighlighted: #182d6614; --colorBackgroundNeutralFaded: #141a2b05; --colorBackgroundPrimary: #104fc6; /* For hover and active states */ --colorBackgroundPrimaryHighlighted: #004ee1; --colorBackgroundPrimaryFaded: #c4f5ff; --colorBackgroundCritical: #e22c25; --colorBackgroundCriticalHighlighted: #cb101d; --colorBackgroundCriticalFaded: #fef1f2; --colorBackgroundPositive: #11b850; --colorBackgroundPositiveHighlighted: #05751f; --colorBackgroundPositiveFaded: #ebfef6; --colorBackgroundUpgrade: #874ce6; --colorBackgroundUpgradeHighlighted: #6a2bbf; --colorBackgroundUpgradeFaded: #f5f2fd; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --colorBackgroundDisabled: #182d660a; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --colorBackgroundDisabledFaded: #141a2b05; /* Use only for body background. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --colorBackgroundPage: #ffffff; /* Use only for background of the main page sections. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --colorBackgroundPageFaded: #fafafa; /* Used for highlighted text in inputs. */ --colorBackgroundFocusTextHighlight: #d0e2ff; --colorBorderNeutralFaded: #ececef3; --colorBorderPrimary: #191a24; --colorBorderCritical: #cb101d; --colorBorderCriticalFaded: #fbd5d8; --colorBorderPositive: #05751f; --colorBorderPositiveFaded: #cbdcd5; --colorBorderUpgrade: #6a2bbf; --colorBorderUpgradeFaded: #e23d0fa; /* Not overriden by a theme. */ --colorPersistentWhite: #ffffff; --colorColorSubBlack: #040a1e; --colorColorSubBlue: #6f67e; --colorColorTeal: #00ffc2; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64:root { /* For text and icons. */ --color-foreground-neutral: #141717; /* For text and icons. */ --color-foreground-neutral-faded: #606981; --color-foreground-primary: #104fc6; --color-foreground-critical: #cb101d; --color-foreground-positive: #05751f; --color-foreground-upgrade: #874ce6; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --color-foreground-disabled: #c7cdd0; --color-foreground-placeholder: #7f8604; /* Use together with Overlay elevation. It will then ensure it works also in dark mode properly. */ --color-background-elevation-overlay: #ffffff; --color-background-neutral: #182d60a; --color-background-neutral-highlighted: #182d6614; --color-background-neutral-faded: #141a2b05; --color-background-primary: #104fc6; /* For hover and active states */ --color-background-primary-highlighted: #004ee1; --color-background-primary-faded: #c4f5ff; --color-background-critical: #e22c25; --color-background-critical-highlighted: #cb101d; --color-background-critical-faded: #fef1f2; --color-background-positive: #11b850; --color-background-positive-highlighted: #05751f; --color-background-positive-faded: #ebfef6; --color-background-upgrade: #874ce6; --color-background-upgrade-highlighted: #6a2bbf; --color-background-upgrade-faded: #f5f2fd; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --color-background-disabled: #182d660a; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --color-background-disabled-faded: #141a2b05; /* Use only for body background. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --color-background-page: #ffffff; /* Use only for background of the main page sections. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --color-background-page-faded: #fafafa; /* Used for highlighted text in inputs. */ --color-background-focus-text-highlight: #d0e2ff; --color-border-neutral-faded: #ececef3; --color-border-primary: #191a24; --color-border-critical: #cb101d; --color-border-critical-faded: #fbd5d8; --color-border-positive: #05751f; --color-border-positive-faded: #cbdcd5; --color-border-upgrade: #6a2bbf; --color-border-upgrade-faded: #e23d0fa; /* Not overriden by a theme. */ --color-persistent-white: #ffffff; --color-color-sub-black: #040a1e; --color-color-sub-blue: #6f67e; --color-color-teal: #00ffc2; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64:root { /* For text and icons. */ --color_foreground_neutral: #141717; /* For text and icons. */ --color_foreground_neutral_faded: #606981; --color_foreground_primary: #104fc6; --color_foreground_critical: #cb101d; --color_foreground_positive: #05751f; --color_foreground_upgrade: #874ce6; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --color_foreground_disabled: #c7cdd0; --color_foreground_placeholder: #7f8604; /* Use together with Overlay elevation. It will then ensure it works also in dark mode properly. */ --color_background_elevation_overlay: #ffffff; --color_background_neutral: #182d60a; --color_background_neutral_highlighted: #182d6614; --color_background_neutral_faded: #141a2b05; --color_background_primary: #104fc6; /* For hover and active states */ --color_background_primary_highlighted: #004ee1; --color_background_primary_faded: #c4f5ff; --color_background_critical: #e22c25; --color_background_critical_highlighted: #cb101d; --color_background_critical_faded: #fef1f2; --color_background_positive: #11b850; --color_background_positive_highlighted: #05751f; --color_background_positive_faded: #ebfef6; --color_background_upgrade: #874ce6; --color_background_upgrade_highlighted: #6a2bbf; --color_background_upgrade_faded: #f5f2fd; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --color_background_disabled: #182d660a; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --color_background_disabled_faded: #141a2b05; /* Use only for body background. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --color_background_page: #ffffff; /* Use only for background of the main page sections. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --color_background_page_faded: #fafafa; /* Used for highlighted text in inputs. */ --color_background_focus_text_highlight: #d0e2ff; --color_border_neutral_faded: #ececef3; --color_border_primary: #191a24; --color_border_critical: #cb101d; --color_border_critical_faded: #fbd5d8; --color_border_positive: #05751f; --color_border_positive_faded: #cbdcd5; --color_border_upgrade: #6a2bbf; --color_border_upgrade_faded: #e23d0fa; /* Not overriden by a theme. */ --color_persistent_white: #ffffff; --color_color_sub_black: #040a1e; --color_color_sub_blue: #6f67e; --color_color_teal: #00ffc2; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64:root { /* For text and icons. */ --ColorForegroundNeutral: #141717; /* For text and icons. */ --ColorForegroundNeutralFaded: #606981; --ColorForegroundPrimary: #104fc6; --ColorForegroundCritical: #cb101d; --ColorForegroundPositive: #05751f; --ColorForegroundUpgrade: #874ce6; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --ColorForegroundDisabled: #c7cdd0; --ColorForegroundPlaceholder: #7f8604; /* Use together with Overlay elevation. It will then ensure it works also in dark mode properly. */ --ColorBackgroundElevationOverlay: #ffffff; --ColorBackgroundNeutral: #182d60a; --ColorBackgroundNeutralHighlighted: #182d6614; --ColorBackgroundNeutralFaded: #141a2b05; --ColorBackgroundPrimary: #104fc6; /* For hover and active states */ --ColorBackgroundPrimaryHighlighted: #004ee1; --ColorBackgroundPrimaryFaded: #c4f5ff; --ColorBackgroundCritical: #e22c25; --ColorBackgroundCriticalHighlighted: #cb101d; --ColorBackgroundCriticalFaded: #fef1f2; --ColorBackgroundPositive: #11b850; --ColorBackgroundPositiveHighlighted: #05751f; --ColorBackgroundPositiveFaded: #ebfef6; --ColorBackgroundUpgrade: #874ce6; --ColorBackgroundUpgradeHighlighted: #6a2bbf; --ColorBackgroundUpgradeFaded: #f5f2fd; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --ColorBackgroundDisabled: #182d660a; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --ColorBackgroundDisabledFaded: #141a2b05; /* Use only for body background. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --ColorBackgroundPage: #ffffff; /* Use only for background of the main page sections. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --ColorBackgroundPageFaded: #fafafa; /* Used for highlighted text in inputs. */ --ColorBackgroundFocusTextHighlight: #d0e2ff; --ColorBorderNeutralFaded: #ececef3; --ColorBorderPrimary: #191a24; --ColorBorderCritical: #cb101d; --ColorBorderCriticalFaded: #fbd5d8; --ColorBorderPositive: #05751f; --ColorBorderPositiveFaded: #cbdcd5; --ColorBorderUpgrade: #6a2bbf; --ColorBorderUpgradeFaded: #e23d0fa; /* Not overriden by a theme. */ --ColorPersistentWhite: #ffffff; --ColorColorSubBlack: #040a1e; --ColorColorSubBlue: #6f67e; --ColorColorTeal: #00ffc2; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64:root { /* For text and icons. */ --Color-Foreground-Neutral: #141717; /* For text and icons. */ --Color-Foreground-Neutral-Faded: #606981; --Color-Foreground-Primary: #104fc6; --Color-Foreground-Critical: #cb101d; --Color-Foreground-Positive: #05751f; --Color-Foreground-Upgrade: #874ce6; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --Color-Foreground-Disabled: #c7cdd0; --Color-Foreground-Placeholder: #7f8604; /* Use together with Overlay elevation. It will then ensure it works also in dark mode properly. */ --Color-Background-Elevation-Overlay: #ffffff; --Color-Background-Neutral: #182d60a; --Color-Background-Neutral-Highlighted: #182d6614; --Color-Background-Neutral-Faded: #141a2b05; --Color-Background-Primary: #104fc6; /* For hover and active states */ --Color-Background-Primary-Highlighted: #004ee1; --Color-Background-Primary-Faded: #c4f5ff; --Color-Background-Critical: #e22c25; --Color-Background-Critical-Highlighted: #cb101d; --Color-Background-Critical-Faded: #fef1f2; --Color-Background-Positive: #11b850; --Color-Background-Positive-Highlighted: #05751f; --Color-Background-Positive-Faded: #ebfef6; --Color-Background-Upgrade: #874ce6; --Color-Background-Upgrade-Highlighted: #6a2bbf; --Color-Background-Upgrade-Faded: #f5f2fd; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --Color-Background-Disabled: #182d660a; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --Color-Background-Disabled-Faded: #141a2b05; /* Use only for body background. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --Color-Background-Page: #ffffff; /* Use only for background of the main page sections. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --Color-Background-Page-Faded: #fafafa; /* Used for highlighted text in inputs. */ --Color-Background-Focus-Text-Highlight: #d0e2ff; --Color-Border-Neutral-Faded: #ececef3; --Color-Border-Primary: #191a24; --Color-Border-Critical: #cb101d; --Color-Border-Critical-Faded: #fbd5d8; --Color-Border-Positive: #05751f; --Color-Border-Positive-Faded: #cbdcd5; --Color-Border-Upgrade: #6a2bbf; --Color-Border-Upgrade-Faded: #e23d0fa; /* Not overriden by a theme. */ --Color-Persistent-White: #ffffff; --Color-Color-Sub-Black: #040a1e; --Color-Color-Sub-Blue: #6f67e; --Color-Color-Teal: #00ffc2; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64:root { /* For text and icons. */ --COLOR_FOREGROUND_NEUTRAL: #141717; /* For text and icons. */ --COLOR_FOREGROUND_NEUTRAL_FADED: #606981; --COLOR_FOREGROUND_PRIMARY: #104fc6; --COLOR_FOREGROUND_CRITICAL: #cb101d; --COLOR_FOREGROUND_POSITIVE: #05751f; --COLOR_FOREGROUND_UPGRADE: #874ce6; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --COLOR_FOREGROUND_DISABLED: #c7cdd0; --COLOR_FOREGROUND_PLACEHOLDER: #7f8604; /* Use together with Overlay elevation. It will then ensure it works also in dark mode properly. */ --COLOR_BACKGROUND_ELEVATION_OVERLAY: #ffffff; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_NEUTRAL: #182d60a; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_NEUTRAL_HIGHLIGHTED: #182d6614; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_NEUTRAL_FADED: #141a2b05; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_PRIMARY: #104fc6; /* For hover and active states */ --COLOR_BACKGROUND_PRIMARY_HIGHLIGHTED: #004ee1; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_PRIMARY_FADED: #c4f5ff; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_CRITICAL: #e22c25; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_CRITICAL_HIGHLIGHTED: #cb101d; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_CRITICAL_FADED: #fef1f2; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_POSITIVE: #11b850; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_POSITIVE_HIGHLIGHTED: #05751f; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_POSITIVE_FADED: #ebfef6; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_UPGRADE: #874ce6; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_UPGRADE_HIGHLIGHTED: #6a2bbf; --COLOR_BACKGROUND_UPGRADE_FADED: #f5f2fd; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --COLOR_BACKGROUND_DISABLED: #182d660a; /* You might not need this - just apply Opacity Disabled (40%) token to a layer. */ --COLOR_BACKGROUND_DISABLED_FADED: #141a2b05; /* Use only for body background. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --COLOR_BACKGROUND_PAGE: #ffffff; /* Use only for background of the main page sections. If you need a background for your components, use one of the Background / Elevation styles. */ --COLOR_BACKGROUND_PAGE_FADED: #fafafa; /* Used for highlighted text in inputs. */ --COLOR_BACKGROUND_FOCUS_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT: #d0e2ff; --COLOR_BORDER_NEUTRAL_FADED: #ececef3; --COLOR_BORDER_PRIMARY: #191a24; --COLOR_BORDER_CRITICAL: #cb101d; --COLOR_BORDER_CRITICAL_FADED: #fbd5d8; --COLOR_BORDER_POSITIVE: #05751f; --COLOR_BORDER_POSITIVE_FADED: #cbdcd5; --COLOR_BORDER_UPGRADE: #6a2bbf; --COLOR_BORDER_UPGRADE_FADED: #e23d0fa; /* Not overriden by a theme. */ --COLOR_PERSISTENT_WHITE: #ffffff; --COLOR_COLOR_SUB_BLACK: #040a1e; --COLOR_COLOR_SUB_BLUE: #6f67e; --COLOR_COLOR_TEAL: #00ffc2; }
Easily configure and adapt token and asset formats to match your development needs—no coding required. With Supernova’s intuitive setup and no-code customization, exporting design data to your preferred tech stack has never been easier.
Leverage the power of Supernova’s SDK, CLI, and VS Code Extension to access, customize, and automate your design system data effortlessly—ensuring full control and seamless integration into your development workflow.
Connect Supernova effortlessly with your existing development ecosystem—whether it’s GitHub, Azure DevOps, GitLab, BitBucket, or custom REST endpoints—ensuring a smooth and automated workflow.
Automate design-to-code and spend more time creating.
Get all the details on the Supernova developer features in our in-depth documentation site.
Manage your design tokens and components in one place. Supernova automatically syncs with your data sources.
Optimize your design-to-code workflow with this practical checklist.
Guide for developers to mastering, customizing, and automating within Supernova's ecosystem.
This is the tool to use to help push your engineering and design teams togethers. As far as I'm aware, fully automating design changes in figma all the way to deployment is cutting edge and either done through a fully custom build pipeline or via Supernova.
Co-Founder & Engineering
If you love Figma's approach to fast, iterative development you will love Supernova.
Their team is engaging in feedback, their discord channel, and even asking to rate future features. Aside from that, the product is easy to set up and use.
Design Systems Designer
Supernova is a tool that really understands the needs of design systems creators. We’ve had no fun in the past working with other tools’ documentation, but that’s all changed now. It’s easy to use, intuitive, and offers many opportunities to scale in the future.
As a single source of truth, it is mind-blowing, efficient, fast, and highly customizable. They also listen to their customers and prioritize their roadmaps to fit their needs which is a great bonus.
Design Lead