Mission 2: Documentation Orchestrator

Developer Documentation in Supernova

Supernova equips developers with interactive documentation tools that bring clarity and structure to design systems. With features like live component previews, Storybook integration, and markdown support, engineers can easily access, test, and implement design decisions—all in one place.

  • Render React Code Blocks – A sandbox that allows you to render live, interactive components directly in the documentation. Ideal for complex UI elements like forms, menus, and modals, these blocks enable engineers to experiment with components in real time. Developers can render their React components from public or private NPM libraries, ensuring that components always stay in sync with the latest updates from the libraries they are serving.
  • Storybook Integration – Seamlessly embed Storybook canvases, docs, and component properties into Supernova documentation. This allows developers to explore component states, test interactions, and view technical specifications without leaving the documentation.
  • Markdown Blocks – Render .md files effortlessly in the editor, ensuring existing engineering documentation is integrated into your design system without duplication.
  • Code Snippet Blocks – Provide developers with well-formatted, easily copyable code snippets to streamline implementation. Code Snippet Blocks support multiple languages and formatting options, making them a crucial tool for guiding adoption.


Supernova’s CLI makes it easy to manage Markdown-based documentation by automating .md file updates. With GitHub Actions integration, developers can automatically sync and publish documentation changes, ensuring the latest engineering guidelines, best practices, and component usage notes remain up to date without manual intervention. More on this in Mission 3.


If you completed Mission 1, you already know how metadata enriches component documentation. Now, take it a step further by leveraging metadata to create a more dynamic and transparent documentation experience. 

  • Component Health Blocks – Visually communicate the readiness, adoption, and stability of components across different platforms, helping teams quickly assess their status.
  • Component Overview Tables – Provide a structured snapshot of key metadata such as version history, Storybook links, and component statuses. These tables ensure developers always have the most relevant information at a glance, improving visibility and fostering trust in the accuracy and consistency of your design system.


Get inspired by how the team at Visma documents their components using a Storybook block combined with code snippets. They create an interactive playground where developers can explore components, view Storybook canvases and add-ons, and reference code snippets—all in one place. This approach enhances documentation by providing rich context, better usability, and deeper insight into how components function.

We’re constantly inspired by how teams push their documentation to the next level. Beyond documenting components and tokens, there’s a growing need for more comprehensive developer onboarding. Design system consumers expect more than just static references—they need clear guidance on how to implement and use design system elements effectively. One great example is the onboarding guide created by the team at Mews using Supernova, helping developers seamlessly integrate the design system into their workflows. Consider how you can provide similar structured guidance to help your team build better products faster.